From Goals to Accomplishments: How To NOT Fall Off The New Year's Resolution Bandwagon
As the New Year approaches, we often end up making a ton of resolutions in our heads that never come to fruition. Better yet, we make up resolutions that only last for maybe a month or two if we’re lucky. 2019 we are absolutely changing all of that! We are no longer letting our goals pass us by! We’re not getting complacent. We’re not getting comfortable in any form of inadequacy. Most importantly, this year we’ll be growing and manifesting in unprecedented ways. And we’re doing all of it without making that tired list of resolutions! I’m going to give you five ways to ring in the New Year’s goals, so they will actually work, and happen for you.
Pick a word for the new year
via one color
Instead of a list of things that you want to leave behind, think of your “word of the year.” This word will be what sets the mood or 2019. It could represent something you’d like to embody, a new way of thinking, or something you aspire to achieve. My word, for example, is intentional. My goal is to be intentional in every decision I make with every person I come across. Other words I’ve heard are confidence, selfishness (or selflessness), and creativity.
Make a vision board
Aside from being an inspirational visual cue that you can see daily, vision boards can be extremely important in reminding you of the goals and dreams you have for the year. A vision board is also not your “typical” New Year’s resolution. Instead of writing down a list, you’re visualizing what you want for your future self.
Set quarterly goals
Goals for the year can seem burdensome and difficult to attain. Instead of explaining what you want by the end of 12 months, write down micro-goals for every four months. This can make your life way easier and subsequently, your goals much more manageable.
Take some time to self-reflect
via Punkee
Many people don’t truly reflect on themselves when making resolutions. Sure, they list what they’re trying to do. They write down what they want for themselves. It is not often, however, people truly take the last few days of the year to look internally and examine themselves. What can you work on? What traits are toxic? What are you excelling in? Take a peek at your inner self and prepare for some soul searching in the new year!
Write a letter for your future self to open
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This is one of my favorite things to do! Write a letter with your emotions, thoughts, and inner happenings and don’t open it until a year in the future. Include the ways you’ve already grown and the ways you want to grow. By the end of the next year, you can determine how much you’ve grown and what you need to improve upon. It can also help guide you with the other tips: setting goals, words, and self-reflection!
Cover image via mantis massage