The Dilemma: How to Hit Fitness Goals While Dating

Let’s be real here. Hitting fitness goals while dating can seem like an uphill battle that you just can’t win. At the end of the day, it can be tough to get home and meal prep after being in the office for the past 9 hours. The easier thing to do with your boo, is to head to both of your favorite restaurant and rack up the calories with minimal effort. Then, we all know that after you finish your meal comes the guilt. You promised yourself that you weren’t going to break your clean eating streak. It’s time to get your health in check. This can be tough when you are dating due to the dreaded meal convenience. So next time you are thinking about ordering take-out with your Netflix and chill partner, pause. Start living a healthy lifestyle you can feel good about, even when dating by checking out these strategies!

Ask Your Partner To Take a Fitness Journey With You


Just as you ask your gal pals for a fitness buddy, and you can extend the invite to your partner. You know what they say, “Couples who sweat together stay together.” Benefits are that you both will feel great about yourselves both mentally and physically. You will continue to find each other incredible sexy and work together as a team. Nothing like having your fitness partner be your favorite cheerleader at the gym, too!

Eat Smaller Portions 


When you are preparing meals with your sweetheart, portion out your meal to your goal calories for that meal. Instead of filling your entire plate with food and going back for seconds, set this limit before preparing the meal. Reducing portion size is one of your greatest allies against overeating. You will have extra for lunch at work the next day, too! 

Cook Meals Together Instead of Going Out 


On that note, cooking meals together instead of going out will bring you closer, for one. When you are cooking meals together, this allows you to create happy memories together while choosing healthy ingredients that will benefit your body and mind. The benefit is you get to choose what goes into your recipe, which gives you the power of your plate. You know that there won’t be any added butter or oils. You have the choice to cook the healthiest way with the healthiest ingredients...together!

Do an Activity Together Outside


There is something to be said about play. Being outside will be great not only for your mental health, but for your physical health, as well. Pick up an outdoor hobby with your boo thang. You could take a yoga class, go swimming at your local pool or take up snowboarding or skiing. There is something about finding a teamwork effort  that creates stronger bonds while allowing you both to feel better about ourselves overall.

Consider Other Possibilities

Do be aware that there could be outlying factors that are impacting your fitness. For instance, you might have a hormonal imbalance. This can cause significant weight gain. For men, it could be necessary to consider a treatment option. Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is a common option for an issue like this. Alternatively, it could be as simple as high levels of stress in your life.

Schedule Your Day to Include Your Workout 


Quality time is important in a relationship. However, you have plenty of time in the day to schedule time at the gym and to plan your meals that day. You could wake up an hour early or go to the gym directly after work. As long as you are getting the workout of your choice in, a little goes a long way. Most gym memberships allow you to bring someone with you to the gym too (Planet Fitness does!). 

Talk About Your Goals


It is best to have an open line of communication with your partner. If you tell your partner your fitness goals, they will have an awareness they did not have before. This will allow them to understand why you are paying closer attention to what you are eating and making sure to nourish your body with healthy foods. You may even inspire them to do the same!

Cover image via Nutrition Nuptials


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