Voting Drill: Your Vote WILL Make Or Break Our Country

Whether you voted on November 6 or not (but let’s hope you did), it’s important that you realize how your vote can make an impact. Yes, babe… your lonely little vote can make a helluva difference in any election. In some races in the past, it came down to just a few hundred votes. I know that seems like too many votes to really do anything, but when you think about how many people are voting all together, a couple hundred votes counts.

Via Gyfycat

Hey, maybe you don’t care about how close the elections get because you don’t really care about the policies. Politics? No thank you!

Well honey, no matter how much you don’t care, it still affects you. It affects your everyday life. Love your health insurance plan and how easy it is to get treatments? Hate the fact that gun violence is rampant? Should we even begin discussing immigration? Your vote can keep or change the things that you care about because chances are, someone else feels the same way too.

Via Gyfycat

And it’s not just those big issues that matter. Sure, they’re important, but when someone gets elected into any office — whether it’s Congress, the Senate, or the Presidency —they have the power to change those minor issues you don’t think about, until you don’t have them anymore. For example, if a new tax law is passed that cracks down on small business owners, say goodbye to your favorite small business owners, cue Lindsey’s Kloset.


Voting affects us all, that’s why you need to vote! And with the even more palpable divide between baby boomers and millennials, voting is the only way for us to get our voices heard. 

We have real power to make a difference. Our views are often so different than our predecessors, so we can’t keep letting them make decisions for us. They’ve already established themselves in the economy; it’s us that has to make do with their changes. So, if you don’t like the way baby boomers think, then you definitely won’t like the people they elect to run this country.


You don’t have to care too much about this stuff right now. It doesn’t need to be a topic that swirls around in your head constantly. But you need to know that all this “redundant news BS” will affect you.

So, if you didn’t vote on November 6, get your butt out to the polls the next time you get the chance. We can all change the country this way.

Cover via North to South



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