Who Came In First For Super Tuesday?
It was THE biggest day of both the year and the presidential race: Super Tuesday. Whoever leads this race will most likely face off against President Trump, and could potentially change history (and some majorly problematic laws). Here are the results.
The fight narrowed down to Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders. Before Super Tuesday, both Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar dropped their presidential campaigns, leaving the votes to go to either Biden, Warren, Sanders, or Bloomberg.
Bernie Sanders via Mic
Joe Biden swept the south, winning Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee, Alabama, North Carolina, and Virginia (along with some northern states). Bernie Sanders won California, Utah, Colorado, and (naturally) his home state of Vermont. Surprisingly, Elizabeth Warren didn’t win any states, but that opens her up to be someone’s VP pick.
Although it seems like Biden won more states, but because Bernie won such big states like California, he pulled in the lead which means he officially won Super Tuesday.
Of course, only about 50% of each state’s population voted for Super Tuesday. This means that in a race against Trump, anything can happen. So, we can’t stress this enough babes: GO VOTE!
cover image via NBC News