This is how to Quiet Your Inner Critic: Make Dreams Happen

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By Sierra Roman

Insecurity is almost a given in our society. Especially in our modern age, with so much technology. No, you don’t look like that Instagram model. No, you don’t cook like those chefs on Food Network. No, you don’t sing like any of the musicians of today. With a greater emphasis on perfection (and more ways to shove said perfection in your face) it's difficult to keep a high self-esteem in our society. How do you quell all this intense self doubt?

For starters, recognize that self doubt comes in phases. That the way you feel won’t be a forever thing. There will be a future of better outlooks, if you choose to see it through. Knowing that the future is secure should give you more determination to work through the present.

Technology, while useful, can be a huge damper on your self-esteem through extended overuse.

We are constantly being bombarded with images of the beautifully rich and elite 24/7, which makes our lives seem boring in comparison. To combat this, take a break! Turn off your electronics for as long as you can (my max is three days tops) and enjoy yourself! Read a book or bake something. Whatever you like to do, do it! It’s good to remind yourself that your life has purpose and meaning through the passions you choose to pursue, through the hobbies that fuel you. And that is one of the most meaningful things you could do.

Spending time with loved ones is also a nice way to combat self-doubt.

Be with family, friends or even pets, just being in the presence of people who genuinely love your company. It works wonders for your self-esteem. Sometimes, one of the greatest joys in life truly is the effect you have on others. 

The personification of your own self doubt might also be a trick to try.

For example, try picturing a person saying your self doubts out loud. Detaching them from you. Say this person is your worst enemy. Picturing them as some obstacle to beat may be useful in helping you overcome them. Think about it, you’re a lot harder on yourself than needed. Imagine if someone else was saying these things to you. You’d probably be upset or angry at them, right? The act of doing this helps get you into the pattern of calling out these thoughts when they occur. Something like “Wait a minute, I’m not going to let my worst enemy talk to me this way.” Shutting self doubt at the source.

In a similar vein, making a mantra of positivity for yourself may also help.

Listing off your positive qualities in the face of self doubt will be a challenge on harder days, but ultimately worth it in the long run. Things like “I am strong. I am kind. I am lovely. I am wise.” 

Regardless of how you choose to deal with self doubt, that annoying voice in your head that continuously puts you down, just know that it happens to all of us. You are far from alone in this. Making connections with other people really may be the best avenue to tackle this from. Being open and honest about your own doubts in proximity to other people who have experienced their own insecurities could help you work through them healthily. And finally silence that pesky voice once and for all.


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