Selena Gomez Opens Up About Her Family Immigrating To The U.S.
Ok, lets get over the initial shock that Selena’s family is not originally from here, because I had no idea. You think you know everything about a young starlette that you never actually met before and then bam! She hits you with “oh, yeah my family actually immigrated here by truck.”
Selena with her paternal grandparents, Ricardo and Maria Gomez. Via Body Height Weight
My brain is swarming with curiosity on her thoughts about the current pressure the elected president has put on building walls and cracking down on undocumented immagration. To paint a vivid picture of Selena’s origins, her aunt was the first to cross the border from Mexico in the 1970s. Auntie stowed away in the back of a truck, and soon to follow were Selena’s grandparents who later on gave birth to her father in Texas.
Selena shares her thoughts on immigration camps. Via ABC News
This makes Selena more tangible, her story is identical to a lot of immigrants who came looking for a better life. Selena speaks from first hand feelings and experience her family must have faced; challenges occurred in the beginning such as finding work or the constant fear of being deported. Selena reminds us to be compassionate through cinematic medium she has created; a Netflix documentay shining light on the life of undocumented families. Because there's one thing to see it on the news or read about it, but it's totally something different to have experienced the prejudice on a daily basis like Selena’s family and many more.
cover image via Fox News