Oral Sex Performance Chronicles: Oh Yeah, Or Oh No…
By Julia Peterson
To Suck or Not To Suck That Is The Question
An intro would go here, but let’s be real…with this topic, do you even care to read an intro. Let’s skip the foreplay and just jump right in….
Sucking History
What should have been a wonderful treat that good-behaving men should receive, has spun into an expected or wanted service for all women. Which has, in turn, reduced the magic of a blowjob. Just another thing men have ruined, but even so, I know there are still soldiers on the front line who will say that besides being happy suckers, they love the art of sucking. Perhaps it’s the control it gives to the individual giving the blowjob to give your partner the ultimate pleasure. It definitely is an art form and, therefore, different levels of sucking, and it’s up to you how far you want to go.
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Bad Sucker
My exes very much hate me, so I’m not even going to lie to all of you because they might come out to expose me. I am not saying I can’t suck, but my first boyfriend told me the first time I ever attempted a blowjob to “stop, it’s okay I don’t need it.” So do with that what you will, but I definitely would say I hate it regardless and don’t participate in it. I will give the occasion handjob, but my days of giving oral sex ended in 2020. Sorry not sorry, boys, find someone else, but this doesn’t mean I do not partake in oral sex, just not blowjobs if you catch my drift, and if you don’t, I’m talking about receiving it.
Stop The Sucking
Look at the state of the economy and then turn and look at the state of these men. I encourage you all to stand with me and be so bold and brave to say no more sucking for these cowards. Let's say goodbye to the old ways and move into the new age of stable jaws and beautiful knees. Perhaps we can pioneer this for future daughters, sons, and people. They don’t deserve our talents at all; they don’t know how to be appreciative. The old days promised us good, resourceful men who would take care of us, not podcasters who call us female bitches. Enough is enough; let’s burn it all up. If I see another ugly man on Twitter complain yet again about women, I’m going to do something drastic.
Sucking Blows
I know some of you read this and said I won’t ever stop sucking, and okay, that is your right but at what cost. If anything, we should all leave this article with the agreement that we should at least have blowjobs be used as treats like it shouldn't be something that is just expected or given to them. Those are just facts, and we do too much already in this society, so why not do more? This might even make some of them better people. I wouldn't hold your breath, but one can dream. Anyway, suck or don’t suck, just be stricter on giving it and to who.