Man faces Prison Time for Threatening to Kill Rep.Ilhan Omar
This past Monday In Upstate New York, a man pleaded guilty threatening to murder a U.S. official, after making a call to Rep. Ilhan Omar ‘s office. The defendant, Patrick W. Carlineo, was also charged with possession of firearms.
“This prosecution highlights the fact that the rights secured in our Constitution carry with them certain responsibilities,” states the U.S. Attorney James Kennedy Jr. in the official press release. “The First Amendment right to freedom of speech carries with it the responsibility that individuals not make threats to harm lawmakers simply because they may disagree with them. The Second Amendment right to bear arms carries with it the responsibility that individuals who desire to possess firearms not commit felony crimes.”
via Bing
Carlineo’s case started in March of this year, when Carlineo called Rep. Omar’s office. When a staff member answered the phone, Carlineo said, “I’ll put a bullet in her f–king skull.”
via Daily Mail
Sonya Zoughlin ,who is representing Carlineo told The Hill that Carlineo wasn’t trying to harm Rep. Omar.
Whether or not someone is passionate about their beliefs, it doesn’t give them a right to threaten someone else’s livelihood.
Carlineo faces sentencing on Feb. 14 of next year and could face up to a decade in prison or a fine of up to $250,000.
cover image Star Tribune