Love Me Never: The Complexities of One Sided Relationships
By Julia Peterson
Falling in love is an easy thing to do, but actually staying in love and mutually being in love is much more complex. Finding someone you want to be with and give your heart to seems so dangerous these days. What is even scarier is being in love with someone in a relationship who doesn’t feel the same way. It can be quite disheartening to never get to that point in the relationship, especially if that is what you desire in the first place.
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Fading Love
We all know that not everything is meant to last, but when it comes to dating and romance, it’s only natural to hope it does. Falling in love for the first time is honestly such an awkward experience, and let me tell you, being the only one who loses is quite lonely and emotionally embarrassing. I swear that it should count to a certain degree as trauma because it stays with you for so long. To feel vulnerable enough to confess such strong, passionate feelings for your partner is normal and natural, despite if they feel the same way you do. Perhaps they need more time to figure out their feelings, or maybe the relationship is not what either of you are looking for.
Who Do You Love
You are not crazy about how you feel because I’m sure you're not saying I love you on the second date but throughout being in the relationship. There could have been signs that these feelings weren’t mutual, but that could also not be true. There is simply no science into how or who you fall for, which unfortunately means there will always be a chance that you get hurt. I’ve been in relationships that I felt would last forever, and now I can’t help but laugh, but I was in love with a man I swore to the universe I would never stop loving, and I only remember his first name now. The relationship was excellent at first, and even though there were considerable red alarm sounds going off the entire relationship, it was shattering to be unceremoniously dumped weeks after Valentine’s Day.
All Out of Love
To never get to that point in a relationship may feel so disheartening. Still, I do think that it’s better to know where you stand in a relationship where you're feeling such a solid connection to your significant partner. Now, don’t just wait for them to say it back to validate your ego; give them time to let you know how they feel or accept that they don’t. There are billions of people in the world, and it might not feel like it in your little community, but another person might feel the same way. It’s easier to type than deal with reality because after my first breakup, I lost my mind, and it took a year for me to over-guess this… three-month relationship. In my defense, I was 18 and a Leo, so yeah, it was unnecessarily dramatic.
Loves Quest
There is always a chance that you may find one special one with whom you share an eternal love and who feels as passionate as you. Love has many faces, and sometimes, it might take a while to recognize. Sometimes, you find mutual love that can still end, but as long that doesn’t keep you from continuing to follow your heart and speak your truth, there is a life somewhere out there for you.