If Kylie Can Do It, I Can Do It: How To Make It In A Woman's World

In the age of technology,  Kylie Jenner, and self-made billionaires, women can often  feel like they don’t have what it takes to really take off in the business world unless they have a family with status or have their own fame (which is often times the case). Despite this,  if you have a passion, continuously create and strategize  about the company and brand you want ,you will get the success you deserve! After all, if you believe it , you can achieve it!

Below are some boss babe tips on how to take an emergent idea and turn it into a fruitful business endeavor!

Brand management 

A brand is as good as its’ authenticity- vision, character, and value. You have to focus on what you can do best,  and then communicate the strengths with consistency and care.  Furthermore, understanding  the target market for your service or product  helps you  identify the target, generating a confidence in present customers and prospective customers alike. “I examine the need. Everyone needs that. Brands these days are not singular. There are extensive avenues in which every brand must explore to become holistic and successful. Events, Influencer Relations, Branded Content, Social and more,” said Rachel Gordon, founder of PR brand @prgcreative  and co-founder of a collaborative event series for women to create  @netwerktonetworth

Vividly relaying a message , persuading an individual to get on board with the service or product,  and establishing a trust with customers makes your brand stick out from the rest!

Investing and Saving Money


Ahh, money- the necessary evil that serves as the leverage for most things that we accomplish. But how does someone get money to fund their dreams?  For one, you can save up money from working, opening up an account or an app like Digit to put money aside for your goals, or you can take out a small loan . Use the tools that you have at your disposal for now until you can properly invest in an expensive avenue .

Word of mouth/ Self – Promotion

Never be afraid to tell people about what your brand offers at networking events and social media platforms. “…I try not to ever shy away from sharing the story and premise behind my brand/business when I’m at events, meeting new people etc. Even if nothing comes of it immediately, many times people will remember and when services are needed, you’ll come to mind,” said Rachel Gordon. When you do this,  clientele  will generally admire the scope of your brand, causing they’re willingness to share their experiences with others.

A Solid Boss Babe Team


Business endeavors are even more successful  when you have a diverse group of trustworthy and equally as passionate people as yourself who can add to your brand by contributing individual ideas. This teamwork helps solve problems, brainstorm new creative ways of doing things, and finding solutions that work the best as a result of it. “A solid team is vital! I can’t say this enough. I’m currently working on a project based on this subject but in short, you need people who see and believe in the vision. I’ve had really great girls come to work for me who have so much skill but I chose to pour into another woman with less experience/skills because her passion for her own growth AND the brand’s growth was apparent,” said Rachel Gordon…“I think having people on your team with different strengths is another key - but as a boss, it’s my job to ensure they’re all well-rounded.”

The Best Marketing For Your Company = You


Yes, you read this correctly. Who knows  what the company is about, the needs,  and the effectiveness the best? You do! “I firmly believe that you are your best marketing. How you present yourself to the world is how they will understand and receive you. For me, it’s being my authentic self while being mindful as well. In an industry like this, relationships and trust are the two factors that can determine your clientele and business,  so I recognize that people have to WANT to work with me to choose PR Group and I move with that in mind.” So, showcase the company’s attributes in a way that represents what it has to offer.

For more information on events, collaborations, and anything business oriented , make sure to check out networktonetworth.com !

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