I Tried Cat Yoga. Here’s What Happened....
If there’s one thing I love to do, it’s try trendy workouts. If there’s one animal I’m famous for adoring, it’s cats. Yoga is trendy. Cats are awesome. So, when I found out that there was a place where you can enjoy yoga and playtime with cats all rolled into one, it was basically mandatory that I tried it out.
The location I heard of was a small establishment called Rahway Kitty Hall. They’re a specialty non-profit that allows you to interact with cats for a small price. If you love one of the furry fluffs you meet there, you actually can take them home with you. Kitty Hall has helped dozens of cats find their forever homes, so I was thrilled to go there.
My husband came along for the ride, and off we went.
Rahway Kitty Hall via Pinterest
Inside Rahway Kitty Hall
I’ve been to cat cafes before, and for the most part, I had an idea of what to expect. The three-room storefront came with a full feline theme, complete with cat-themed merch and photos of Kitty Hall graduates.
Inside the cat play area were small pens for kitties that needed a time out, toys, and of course, tacitly hidden litterboxes. Oh, and there were about six or seven cats that were running around and having the times of their lives.
We arrived early enough to get introduced to most of the cats, including two sets of siblings that had a seriously mischievous side to them. Like with most cats, it took a while for them to warm up to people. One bunch were named after the cast of Friends. If you ask me, that adds extra cool points to the already stellar rating.
So, Yoga
The first thing that the yoga instructor did was explain to us what to expect during cat yoga. The flow was not going to be a difficult one, nor would it be too heavy on movement. After all, there were going to be cats walking around while we bent and flexed our stuff.
She then laughed and added, “By the way, if at any point, you stop and take time to play with the cats, I won’t be upset. That’s what we’re here for!”
She turned off the light to encourage the fluffy ones to run around, and promised to keep an eye on the cats’ locations so we didn’t trip up. Now, the fun began.
Too Cute!
We all started to go through our flows, Downward Dogging, Warrior Posing, and Eagle Posing our way to serenity. One cat, named Phoebe, really started to get pretty active. The rest just seemed to watch from afar, purring as they observed the humans bend into funky shapes for their presumed amusement.
I got into Downward Dog, then suddenly felt a lump of fur on my hand. Looking down, I saw Phoebe laying right on top of me, with a look that simply demanded petting. She was just too cute!
At first, I didn’t want to move out of my pose. But, then she rolled over and showed me her belly. I was smitten. I sat down and played with her for the better part of 10 minutes. The yoga instructor started to laugh, saying, “That’s just what happens. You gotta love them!”
Once Phoebe was satisfied with my adoration, she moved onto my husband. He looked up and saw her pawing at the tip of his hand. Next thing you know, she ended up getting pets from him too. The yoga session went off without a hitch, and we got an epic workout.
I Want a Cat Now
After yoga, we were given the chance to hang out a little bit longer with our newfound feline friends. We got to play with them, hold them, and yes, pet them. If you disliked cats before, going to Kitty Hall will make you like them. Your heart will just melt!
I’ve been strongly considering adopting a pet, but I still have yet to rack up enough money for the pet application in my apartment complex. Leaving Rahway Kitty Hall was so hard to do without putting in adoption papers.
I’m not going to lie. I was pretty heartbroken that I couldn’t take Phoebe home with me. Even so, knowing that my workout helped fund her stay until she finds her forever home made my day.
Cover image via NY Post