Happy, Happy Spring - Horoscopes for April 15-21

We’re busting out those sun hats and strappy sandals because it’s officially spring (although that was technically a couple weeks ago, it’s finally starting to really feel like it). The pollen is getting to our heads and maybe in a good way this week because we’re all either searching for love or giving advice, and we’re soon to being content with ourselves. Even if that means blowing off work for some of us. 



For all you Aries with birthdays this week, now’s the perfect time to spend a long week with your family and friends. You will have all that gracious host vibe you need to be the center of attention: just where you belong. You’ll be camera ready with every gift you open, even if you’re six cocktails deep. You should also look out for exciting opportunities to change something about your life. It could potentially change your routine you’ve been slowly growing out of. 

Now what? If you’re unsure about whether an opportunity is the opportunity you’ve been looking for, just trust your gut. Your intuition is off the charts this week. 



Your heart is longing for love, dear Taurus. You’re starting to see all your friends get engaged or married and even though you said you’d rather just love your dog, you kind of crave the love they’ve got. And there’s nothing wrong with that; this feeling might fade by next week or you might find what you’re looking for. Your new passion for love will take any new relationship you start this week on the rollercoaster of your lives. 

Now what? You might also feel the strong urge to break out of your routine, so go try something new. It might be what your soul is craving. 



You’re in no mood for business this week, Gemini. Your boss might say “yes,” but your heart says “no.” You’re in party mode: very sociable and the star of the show. This might get to your head a little and you might get the urge to spend a little more than you’re usually comfortable with, but try not to buy frivolous things. Money might be tight soon and you need to make sure you’re prepared. 

Now what? While you might be sad that you can’t go on that shopping trip you’ve been dying for, your home life will be perfectly balanced. All zen there, babe. 



You know that goal you keep putting off because it was never the right time? Well, it’s time, Cancer. You’ve got the support and generosity from those around you to help you reach that long-coveted goal with almost no trouble at all. Maybe all you needed was a push in the direction that you didn’t think would take you there. Something new and exciting waits at the end of your journey. 

Now what? Being more self-expressive could be an unexpected way to reach that goal. Being completely you knocks down any walls that might have been in your way. 



You will be the expert at looking within yourself to find your answers, Leo. You will be your group of friends’ Yoda this week because you have the most insight. You know how to look deep with and find the spiritual connections to answers and how to relay that to the outside world. So, if any of your friends are snapping at each other, maybe you’re the one to piece them back together. 

Now what? Because of that lovely zen you’ve got going on, now’s the perfect time for public speaking or writing. You are articulate in every way, so let the world hear it. 



You might be feeling bubbly this week, Virgo, but it could be a problem when it comes to your work life. Now that spring’s here you don’t want to be trapped inside, so you might lose that determination to work hard. But hey, you’ll have that positive energy about it. Outside of work, you might try doing something new to get all that bubbly energy out of you. Jump out of your comfort zone and meet new people. 

Now what? You might be tempted to impulse buy because you’re just feeling so darn nice, but don’t do it. Get a responsible buddy if you have to. Or leave your credit card at home. 



You’re the pinnacle of a people person this week, Libra. You are so in tune with yourself and others that you don’t even have to think of the right thing to say, you just say it. You’re not afraid to put yourself out there and have everyone see your true feelings as you’re feeling them. This can be scary, but your family and friends are here to support you, not judge you. 

Now what? Because you’re so in tune with your feelings, now’s the time to talk out any issues you have with anyone. No more keeping things in the dark. 



It might be time for a little change, Scorpio. Whether that be in your love life, your personal life, or your work life, get ready for a little metaphorical spring cleaning. Not all change is bad and this one certainly isn’t, so there’s no need to act like Oscar the Grouch when someone knocks on his trash can. It’s time for impulsivity to run your life for a little bit. See where it take you, Oscar. 

Now what? If you’re super worried that this change will upset the balance of your life, it won’t. That’s why it’s a good change, so try to embrace it the best way you can. 



You might not know all the answers, but you’ve got the emotional grit to handle the hard topics, Sag. Whether it’s you dealing with your own problems or helping out with others’, you have the stamina and the instincts to weigh in on the truth. But if you’re feeling especially overwhelmed, talk to your elders like your parents or grandparents. Chances are, they’ve gone through something similar. 

Now what? All this good deed doing will put you in a place of peace. So, if you’re hesitant about helping people out with the hard stuff, there’s that to look forward to. 



You feel an intense passion in your soul to go out and live that explorer’s life, Cappy. Now’s the perfect time to leave your comfort zone in the dust and be that adventure girl you always stalk on Instagram. Leave your daily life behind and let your passion take the wheel. Even if that only means taking the week off work and binge watching a new show. It’s wherever your passions take you.

Now what? Maybe your passions are leading you to a new love life. Take a step outside and see who you meet. 



This week you feel extra comfortable in your own skin, Aquarius, but you also feel extra protective of those people that are close to you. You may feel like a lioness protecting her cubs, but try not to rein them in too tight. Protect them in practical ways, like taking them to dinner and being there for emotional support when they need you. You are their rock this week. 

Now what? This week is also a good time to focus your protective energy on keeping your job. If you feel it slipping away from you, it might be time to put in some extra hours. 



All those things you love to do, you’ll love to do even more, Pisces. Your love life and all those activities that bring you joy will get a surge of passion this week, especially in the bedroom. So, harness that deep creative energy and let it out with a stylistic flair that lets the world know you’re there. It’s your time to shine and you’ve never felt more comfortable. 

Now what? Sometimes your flair is simply trying something new. So, do that but make it public and make it your own. 

Cover image via hiveminer


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