Abercrombie & Fitch Is Making A Comeback, And We're Here For It!
The pounding music, the color-coordinated t-shirts, the intense aroma of the store, and let’s not forget-- the shirtless boys standing at the entrance to greet you when arriving into an Abercrombie & Fitch store. The brand Abercrombie & Fitch was the place to shop in the early 2000s. It was a place where teens would get the trendiest flannels, tees, and jeans. For the longest time, Abercrombie & Fitch and it’s sister-brand, Hollister ranked as top clothing brands for teens. However, as the years went on, other brands developed and progressed, leaving the A&F empire to fall.
At some point in time, people grew tired of the half-naked models on the brand’s shopping bags and campaign photos. A&F had a brand message that was not so easy to connect to, considering their target audience -- young, attractive Caucasian male and female. If you knew anything about the store in the early 2000s, it was that they only hired attractive looking adolescents who would represent the brand the way the models did in their campaigns. You would never see models of color or any curvy models. A&F had one vision of their brand and that was “conventional Caucasian, skinny and tall models”.
A&F new fixture setup via Bing
Since CEO Fran Horowitz took over and re-branded the company’s image and message, A&F has shot up in their sales immediately. Years have passed and fashion trends have developed, so A&F knew they had to step up their game and adapt to the new generation. Horowitz wanted to wipe clean the social channels and previous campaigns of the brand and start fresh. Not only did the brand’s clothing and style change, but also the stores and its ambiance. They were always dark and unapproachable to most people. That had to change. Today, the stores have brighter lights, open aisleways, and new fixtures.
Abercrombie & Fitch has come a long way and is an entirely different company than what it used to be. What it used to be was unrelatable and marketed to a certain type of person. Today, it is inclusive, relatable and works for almost everybody. The brand is more vibrant, diverse and eclectic. A&F has made its comeback and at the perfect time as well. Get ready for the holiday season, A&F, it’s going to be a good one for you!
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Cover image via Bloomberg