Kindness and Love Are Not Lost: The Shadowed Side of BLM Protests
For hundreds of years, Black people have been fighting for their rights across the globe. In the last two weeks, thousands of Americans have shown up to Black Lives Matter protests in solidarity with victims of police brutality. But, scrolling through our social media and newsfeeds has left us feeling a bit hopeless in the last couple of weeks, as some individuals have chosen to riot instead. This fight for justice has been fought since the formation of the United States—and it’s not going anywhere until justice is brought to Black victims of police brutality.
Although, it may seem like a very dark cloud has been upon us, we must look beyond the news and social media. Because, they are not highlighting the good that still makes the world a special place. Below are some images proving that there is still plenty good in the world. It may not be shown on mainstream media, but we are more than happy to show it to you. If you have felt your hope, joy, and faith dwindle in the last few days, we hope this helps restore it. Kindness and sincere respect towards one another always wins.