8 Life Giving Beauty Organization Tips That Will Bring You Joy
You would have to be living in a cave to have not heard of the sensational show ‘Tidying Up with Marie Kondo’ on Netflix. Kondo greets her space, gets rid of items that do not “spark joy,” and helps the people she works with downsize their items so they do not feel overwhelmed by the things they own. So, why not be your own Marie Kondo and create joy in your beauty space? By creating time in your schedule to go over your beauty set up, you can get a good feeling when you are applying your makeup and for your space to feel more concise.
Place Your Makeup In The Open Where You Can See It
One way to create a space that honors your beauty routine is to keep your most used items in sight. When you are able to see your products clearly, you will use them more often. You know that eyeshadow palette you forgot that you bought two months ago because you put it in a drawer? Well, now you won’t forget to use it! By creating a space where you can see all your favorite beauty items, you are going to overjoyed everytime you walk into the space to create your favorite look.
Some Items Need To Go
Yes, we know some makeup items cost you an arm and a leg, but if you have used it up, it is past its expiration date or you just aren’t into it anymore; then it’s time to go. When you get rid of items that are no longer serving you then you can invite new items into your life that make more sense for this season of your life. Your makeup will not only look better, but prevent any sort of breakout from expired products.
Clear Organizers So You Can See Your Beauty Products
Organizers are such an easy way to keep your items in the place you want them. Not only will the clear organizers keep these items in place, but you are also going to allow yourself to be able to categorize products. You can place lip products, blushes, eyeshadows and false eyelashes all in your own place. This is going to “spark joy” in your life because this will allow you to easily navigate your products when looking for a specific item.
Spice Up Your Nail Polish Display
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Nail polish is one of those beauty products that you can easily pile up in a quick amount of time. With so many fun colors, why would you want to choose?! However, it would be best to keep these items in an orderly fashion as to not overwhelm your makeup display. So, all you have to do is gather a spice rack or nail polish specific case of your choosing and align your nail polishes by color. Hanging your new nail display on the wall is not only going to be convenient, it’s going to look super pretty!
Mail Organizers For Your Favorite Makeup Palettes
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There are some incredible makeup palettes that exist in the beauty world, so why not put them on display where the world (and you) can see them?! Not only will you remember to use the palette that you love so much, you’re going to be reminded of the joy these palettes bring every time you see them. An easy way to put these on display is to use mail organizers. They will be positioned upright and easily identifiable.
Use Labels To Keep It Simple
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A labeling machine will change your life. Having a labeling machine will remind you where items go and keep things simple. If you run out of an item, you will know what needs to go on your shopping list! Labeling your organizer will create a scenario where you will not deter from the beauty plan you have set for yourself. Added bonus: you can take these labels into the kitchen, too!
Make Use Of Floating Shelves
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via Marcus Redden
If you find yourself running out of space on your vanity, then it’s a good idea to get some floating shelves. These shelves will help alleviate the situation with crowding on your surfaces. You can even add some fun items that make you happy like fresh flowers along with products of your choice. Oh, add some bonus items like beauty books and candles for the ultimate effect!
Honor Your Space And Yourself
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One last tip is to honor your space and yourself daily. Be sure that when you enter into your beauty routine, you look yourself in the eyes and tell yourself you are beautiful frequently. With positive self-talk and a clean and clear beauty space, you are going to notice a huge change in how getting ready makes you feel each day. Be sure to reset your space everyday by clearing up any clutter to keep your space just the way you want it!
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