8 Books You Need To Help You Survive Your Breakup
By Iris Stigell
Breaking up with somebody you love is never easy. It leaves a mark, and can sometimes be exceedingly difficult to get over.
Maybe you’ve already tried varied methods of grief coping mechanisms, such as; friends, retail, or a whole lot of comfort food, but you're still struggling to get back on your feet. Well worry no longer! Because here you will find the ultimate grief coping mechanism, one you may not have even thought of…Books!
Here you will find 8 books to aid you in your period of breakup agony. Whether they be self-help or a glorious fictional escape, rest assured, after these readings, you’ll be back to feeling like yourself again, or perhaps even better.
Love Hurts: Buddhist Advice for the Heartbroken
By Lodro Rinzler
A short and compact first-aid kit for a broken heart. Lodro Rinzler walks his readers through the causes and cures for suffering and grief. Offering practical advice for how to survive an emotionally difficult time. If you are searching for the light at the end of your very long breakup tunnel, this is a great place to start.
When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for difficult times
By Pema Chodron
Similar to the first recommendation, Pema Chodron guides us through heartache through the lens of buddhism. With references to Chodron’s own experiences with rejection, divorce, and heartache, this book is a place to learn skills of mindfulness, and build tools to carry with you as you progress through the difficulties that life can bring.
The Empath & The Narcissist: An Empath’s guide to recognizing, overcoming, and healing from narcissistic abuse
By Christine Murray
This book explores the way in which empaths tend to attract negative people into their lives, and the essential tools they need to know in order to get over the abuse suffered from a narcissist. The Empath & The Narcissist will help you discover how to come to terms with your narcissistic acquaintance, combat their manipulative tools, and get on the road to healing and recovery.
On My Own: The Art Of Being A Woman Alone, By Florence Falk
Florence Falk found herself divorced, alone, and unsure of herself. Soon she realized that by embracing her solitude for what it was, she could turn what felt like ‘loneliness’, into a far more positive and empowered state of ‘aloneness’. On My Own explores the two sides that exist within each of us; the one that yearns to make connections with others, and the other that pulls us inside ourselves, and how these two sides need to coexist to achieve a state of mindfulness.
The Breakup Bible, By Rachel A. Sussman
The Breakup Bible reveals the secrets every woman needs to know in order to get her life back on track after a tough breakup. Being a psychotherapist herself, Rachel Sussman draws on hundreds of counseling sessions she’s conducted with women suffering from grief, and developed a three-phase process for healing from a breakup.
The Power of Letting Go, By John Purkiss
The Power of Letting Go brings together a number of key principles that arise for anyone who is on the journey of self-enquiry and development. At some point, one is faced with the decision to hold on, or to let go. This book explores both the why and the how to let go, with great practices that help convert that desire to let go into reality.
Year of Yes, By Shonda Rhimes
Creator of Grey's Anatomy, Scandal, and executive producer of How to Get Away With Murder, Shonda Rhimes shares how saying YES changed her life. This intimate and hilarious memoir explores Shonda Rhimes life before her year of yes, to afterwards, and how she learned how to explore, empower, applaud and how to love and trust her truest self.
Tiny Beautiful Things By Cheryl Strayed
By best selling Author Cheryl Strayed, Tiny Beautiful Things is a collection of Strayed’s best ever pearls of wisdom from her infamous advice column ‘Dear Sugar’. This book tackles loss, trauma, heartbreak, family drama, minor inconveniences, quirky questions, and some of Cheryl Strayed’s happiest moments. This book is wise, compassionate, honest, and uplifting, and the perfect antidote for the breakup blues.
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