6 Ways to Know What Colors Work Well with Your Skin

By Hannah Gray

Do you ever have trouble picking out outfits because you're unsure what colors look good with your skin tone? Or maybe you just want to learn more about what colors compliment different skin tones so you can start wearing them more often. Here are six ways to determine what colors will flatter you the most.

Determine Your Undertone

This is the best thing to do when you want to know what colors look good on you because most of it has to do with your undertones. If you have a cool undertone, you're probably going to look better wearing cooler colors with pink or purple undertones that will make your skin pop. 

If you have a warm undertone, then you'll look good in colors that are earthy or colorful with orange or yellow undertones. The same applies for more tanned skin typically and usually colors that go with tan skin also go with a warmer undertone.

The Color Wheel


If you take a color wheel and split it into six sections proportionate to the color wheel itself - which is considered to be split into 12 sections - each section will represent a season. Split each section into three sections for a total of six sections on your color wheel, and you'll have the following:

• Winter - White, Black, Gray & Navy

• Spring - Cream, Beige & Bone

• Summer - Red, Coral & Peach

• Autumn – Mustard Yellow or Brown

• Fall – Cool Blues, Greens & Purples

• Summer- Warm Oranges, Yellows & Reds

The Color of Your Eyes or Hair


If you have blue eyes, you're going to want to stick with jewel tones often used for clothing. You can wear blues, purples, and greens with ease. If you have brown eyes, avoid jewel tones as much as possible and stick to earthy tones like beige, honey gold, or yellows.

The Clothes You Already Own

Before going out shopping for a whole new wardrobe to compliment your skin color, take some time to clean out your closet and go through all of your clothing. If you're wearing colors that look great on you, keep them in your wardrobe. If they don't compliment your skin color, or they don't flatter you for some other reason, get rid of them! You should never be wearing something that doesn't look good on you.

The Season You're Comfortable With

This might be the most important tip on this list because if you can't pull off a specific color due to the season you live, it doesn't matter how ideal that color is for your skin tone. If it's too cold to wear red outside in the winter when you live in a colder climate, don't bother putting together outfits with red if you're going to be outside all day. Instead, opt for colors that look good on you and are appropriate for the season you're living in or plan to travel to.

Stop Wearing Black

Black is a color that can wash out your skin or make you look sickly if worn for extended periods. If you want to look healthier, stop wearing black and start wearing colors that complement your natural skin tone. This will make you look more radiant and give off a warmer vibe.

You should now know how to determine what colors go well with your skin and why. Take some time to think about the tips mentioned above and research more to know what works best for you. If you want an easy way out, just choose jewel tones that match your eyes or head straight for the clothes in your closet that look flattering on you. Always ensure that you are comfortable and feel good about yourself.


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