5 Cosmic Youtube Channels That Completely Changed My Life

As human beings we have a right to believe in whatever we want to. We may seek to religion, spirituality, or cosmic paradigms for our personal guidance. Through this guidance, we find answers when we lack clarity, or strength when we feel confused, lost, or weak.

How you find your personal guidance is completely your choice. It’s part of your journey, no one else’s. You can test different avenues for finding this guidance. If it doesn’t completely resonate with your mind and soul, then it’s not for you. That’s your queue to test a different form of spiritual guidance.

2020 left many of us confused, and in search for answers. I personally started questioning everything by the time we hit late Spring. I started to notice things I read not align well enough to be called, truth. So, I turned the TV off, and started researching on my own. This of course, led me down a rabbit hole of undiscovered information. Suddenly, I realized that everything I was learning led to something much bigger than me, and everything I once thought I knew.

This is when I randomly discovered a cosmic channeler’s channel on Youtube. Her name is Elizabeth April. From then on, it was just epiphany after epiphany. What made my jaw drop was that everything she said in her videos pieced everything I had recently discovered in my own research. It was all connected. Needless to say, I now see life VERY different from before. But, here is the best part from all of this… all of my new discoveries have allowed all fear, confusion, and anxiety to completely disappear. I am immune to it.

While Elizabeth April is definitely one of my most favorite cosmic channels on Youtube, there are also various others I think are also wonderful and life changing. Take a look for yourself, and enjoy the journey!

Elizabeth April

Elizabeth April - @Elizabeth.april

Elizabeth April - @Elizabeth.april


Elizabeth April is a Galactic Federation channeller who is here to help the collective ascend into Unity Consciousness. This YouTube channel offers you an insight into the unseen. The Matrix, Simultaneous Time, 3D to 5D Shift, Consciousness, Quantum Physics, Spirit Guides, Aliens, Awakening, Spirituality, Does God Exist? These are all topics that are covered, along with many more. Elizabeth April is a 28 year old psychic who uses remote viewing and astral traveling to seek knowledge beyond this realm. EA is here to help increase the vibration of the planet by spreading Truth, Knowledge, and Awakening. Everything in her videos is channeled straight from the source... the Universal source that is. Walk with her on a journey of Self-Discovery, Soul-Awakening, and Cosmic-Disclosure.”

Phil Good Life

Phil Good Life - @philgoodlife

Phil Good Life - @philgoodlife


“In 2011, I had a spontaneous Kundalini Awakening. The Kundalini has unlocked a multitude of past life abilities such as clairvoyance and telepathy and has been the main facilitator of my evolutionary process. I am here to help people remember what their soul already knows -- through the messages I receive during our sessions, and through the specifically shaped 'keys' (energetic codes) handed over to me by my angels and galactic family to help open their consciousness.”

Lorie Ladd

Lori Laad - @lorie_laad

Lori Laad - @lorie_laad


“I share teachings and messages regarding our ascension process and how to understand it in very elementary ways. I am a channel for multi-dimensional Light Beings and I share their point of view on our ascension process through my videos. If you are interested in more support during your ascension journey we would love to have you join our online community.”

Sahara Rose

Sahara Rose - @IamSaharaRose

Sahara Rose - @IamSaharaRose

Author of The Idiot's Guide to Ayurveda. Host of the Highest Self Podcast. Half Earthling/ Half Goddess.

Heather Hoffman

Heather Hoffman - @activationvibration

Heather Hoffman - @activationvibration


“There is a unique and encoded feeling and frequency that is felt when interacting with and receiving my transmissions. Often, one receives beyond the ego and straight to the soul. I do this, because I truly desire to activate the remembrance of the divinity within all~ for truly that is my mission here.”


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