The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From The Tree: Married at First Sight Episode 9 Recap
Luke and Kate seem to be doing better than usual, they are still nothing like a normal couple but hey Luke hasn’t offended his wife in a couple of days. Progress. When the couple went over Luke’s parents’ house for dinner Kate was feeling great and finally starting to feel like part of the family. Of course, Luke’s pessimistic mother had to destroy all of this when she insinuated that there was no way this marriage was going to work, she even referred to it as a “mockery”. Well, we see where Luke gets his way with words from.
Kristine and Keith started off strong, but the cracks in their relationship started last week and only continued in this week’s episode. Kristine got fed up with having to cook dinner every single night and when she aired this frustration to her husband he simply complained about doing the dishes. Once they sat down with the experts and Keith opened up about his spoiled ways. He said that he had to take care of his father when he was younger which is why his grandmother overcompensated a bit. This is still no excuse to be expecting Kristine to do everything so hopefully he wakes up and realizes how good he’s got it. It is time for Kristine to be treated like the Queen she claims to be!
Jasmine and Will continued to be the most boring couple on the show. This week Jasmine got offended once again when her family told her that she needs to listen to her husband more. Of course, like usual, she took the entire conversation and made it about herself claiming that it is actually the other way around. Her husband needs to start listening to HER. It doesn’t seem like these two are getting anywhere because Jasmine needs to dominate every situation and make it a pity party for herself.
via Realitytea
AJ and Stephanie are so hot and cold it can be hard to keep up with them. AJ decided to open up to his wife a little bit this week and explain why he makes such hard and fast decisions. He was in a motorcycle accident when he was younger, and he was sure he wouldn’t make it out alive. Fortunately, he did and now he tries to live his life to the fullest every day. This doesn’t really explain his short temper but there were no major blow ups this week so hopefully that shows some progress on his part.