Honeymoon, Without the Honey: Married at First Sight: Episode 4
Have you ever had a really bad blind date that was so awkward you were having flashbacks to your first time?! Well it seems like Luke and Kate are on a bad blind date that never seems to end. Luke finally kissed his wife, but it was not exactly the magical first kiss that either of them were expecting. Luke literally said that he felt dead inside when he kissed her…not exactly what every newlywed dreams of their husband saying. We can only imagine what his reaction is going to be when they have sex for the first time, he might up and leave for good! Kate can be a bit too peppy someties but she seems to be pretty understanding to his desire to take things slow. Luke needs to man up and realize that he signed up for this, did he think that it would not be awkward?!?
via Soapdirt
Stephanie and AJ seemed to have the most stable relationship among the couples. They are both older and more mature, well in some ways. However, the stress of constantly being filmed got to AJ and he had a bit of a blow up during a planned activity. Stephanie is a very confident and strong woman but she was taken aback by this. This concerned her as she doesn’t want to deal with a whiny little baby for the rest of her life, at least not one that is supposed to be her husband. How will AJ handle the stress of real life, when the honeymoon is over and he must change his bachelor lifestyle to better suit his bride?
via UsMagazine
Kristine and Keith are probably the most annoying out of all of the couples, mainly because they are so lovey dovey that it is nauseating. Keith is a bit obsessed with his new wife and claims that she is ALREADY his best friend. This means two things: either Keith is very immature and doesn’t really understand what a relationship is like, OR he has no friends. Either way they both still live at home with their parents so the need to figure out a living situation quick before the honeymoon is over and real-life kicks in! These two lovebirds are probably the biggest wildcard on the show because they have been so in lust with one another that they haven’t really discussed much yet.
via Newsweek
Jasmine and Will seemed to have a pretty solid connection on their wedding day. Her dad was less than thrilled of this arrangement, but once he met Will he started to accept him, at least a little bit. However, once they got to Costa Rica things just seemed to go downhill. Last week Jasmine got pissed at Will because he didn’t help her when she crashed her RTV and expected her to cover half of their bills, I mean have you heard of feminism girl?! This week she was upset with him because he didn’t want to keep their hotel room clean. Now I am all for a clean space but when you are on vacation, especially a honeymoon, it is pretty normal to have your stuff thrown all over the room. Jasmine has some pretty high expectations of Will and it doesn’t seem like he has any plan on filling them. Jasmine needs to take a step back and try to relax a little bit more instead of trying to be the head honcho.