Halloween For The Hermit: 4 Things To Do If You’re not tryna turn up

Thanks to social media, we can traipse through everyone’s Halloween jaunty romps and know where they went, how drunk they got, and - most importantly - what they wore (“Insta-ntly”...Done with the bad jokes now ‘k thanks bye...) Given our age and the modern way of celebrating Halloween, are we doomed to either succumb to the drunken festivities surrounded by our fellow woman dressed as un-ironically sexy kittens, and sexy sharks, and sexy candlesticks, and sexy whatever-the-last-box-office-movie-character-everyone-wants-to-dress-up-as...or do we yield to our ever-present desire to crawl into the depths of our bed covers only to emerge once all chances of having fun on Halloween have already passed once again?

But what if costumes aren’t your thing, and neither is foregoing your precious bed beyond 11pm? Not to worry, my socially-anxious and/or bed-separation-anxious ones. One of the many lovely reasons to love fall is there remain a great number of things to do, including you, too. #TurnDownForBed

To get a little more creative and original this year, take a gander through our list of cool things to try this fall.

Bake A Pie

Fall boasts an absolutely scrumptious array of seasonal variety. Pick one of your choosing to give as a gift and if successful, you might just make your future-mother-in-law weep with taste-bud joy. Panera Bread actually posts their recipes on their website, so for those newer to baking, check out their page. (Hello, Sweet Potato Cheesecake!)

Host a movie night

via Freepik

Basic or not, personally a must-watch for me each Halloween is obvi Hocus Pocus. But for the less faint of heart, we totally support y’all entering the horror film genre. Absolutely n o t h i n g says bestie bonding like screaming your way through a thrilling scare - or laughing your way through super cheesey attempts at them.

Visit A Winery

Let’s get outside, shall we? Enjoy the crisp autumn air and take your gal pals out for a wine tour. Download the Winery Passport app for a lit ticket to finding local wines and wineries near you.

Carve a pumpkin

Non-basic might be debatable, but honestly how many of us do this these days? With friends a little music and a couple of matching pumpkin-flavored Blue Moons to match, it’s a hella good time. It’s also a low-risk high-reward activity: succeed and you’ve earned bragging rights for years to come. But utter failures to carve your image of choice can make for stories and a good laugh.

Bake pumpkin seeds

#nostalgic. My mom used to bake these every fall when I was growing up. Git’er done with this super easy recipe and share them at the office or at the next friend gathering.

Skip the pumpkin patch and go orchard picking instead

Way to be nonconformist amirite? Pick all of the apples and bring home your loot for eating, baking, and Instagramming your cute and now lusciously full fruit basket at home. Decorative and purely edible - win win. 

We love you still if you embrace the stereotypes of basic betches losing their minds over fall - but we love these fall-y things, too, should you venture off the bandwagon and get creative. Happy autumn-ing, everyone.


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